Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Still on that road...

Hi everyone! I know I started this blog a few months ago to document my arrangetram story, but I haven't really posted on it recently, so I thought I'd fill you in: for those of you who don't know, my arrangetram has been postponed to June 2016 due to unforeseen circumstances. However, this will make my arrangetram an even more memorable experience with my awesome guru, Smt. Shreelatha Suresh. I am looking forward to hopefully seeing everyone there! Stay tuned for more fun posts as I document the road to my arrangetram!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The "Talk" :)

This post will be short but I just want to let you all know that Operation Arangetram is a go! I had the arangetram talk this weekend about preparation and am pumped and ready! :) Stay tuned for more! :)


     “Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion. ” -Martha Graham
     Hi everyone! Welcome to my website! For those of you who don't know, my name is Abhaya and I have started this blog to keep track of my own arangetram progress, and to let you in on my arangetram experience. So let's get started.
     Now, I know some of you may be wondering: What even is an arangetram? Well, the short answer is it's a big bharatanatyam performance that requires a lot of training and hard-work. Now, some of you may be wondering: What even is bharatanatyam? Basically, it's a tradition Indian classical artform that is basically story-telling through dance. Now, some of you may still be wondering (wow, you guys wonder a lot): Who even are you? Well, I'm Abhaya. I have been dancing bharatanatyam for the past eight years and have been dancing in general since I was born, so for thirteen years. I also do a lot of other stuff, but I'll save that for another time.
     So now that you have all the details, join me on my quest to the arangetram as I document my journey to my arangetram!